Accusative Case

Accusative case

Used to indicate direct object of a sentence. 

Meaning: show direct object

Questions: What; whom? Юунаас? Хэнээс?


Used for stems ending in a long vowel and/or hidden gГэргийг (wife)
-ыгUsed for stems ending in back vowels Номыг (book)Хотыг (city)
-ийгUsed for stems ending in a front vowel (words ending in -г, ж, ч, ш, ь).Цэцэгнүүдийг (flowers)

Question words:

  • Чи хэнийг харсан бэ? Whom did you see?
  • Би багшийг харсан. I saw the teacher.
  • Сара юуг уншсан бэ? What did Sara read?
  • Cара ном уншсан. Sara read a book.
  • Энэ номноос Баатар юуг уншсан бэ? What did Baatar read from this book?
  • Баатар энэ номноос 2 дугаар бүлгийг уншсан. Baatar read the 2nd chapter from this book.

Accusative Case Rules: 

  1. Indefinite noun: (no suffix for the accusative case is needed)

Би ном авлаа. (I bought a book)

Оюутан сонин уншиж байна. (The student is reading a newspaper)

Би олон хүн харсан. (I saw many people)

Ах ном уншиж байна. (The brother is reading a book)

  1.  Definite Noun

A. noun with possessive pronouns (her, his, your…etc).

  • Ах миний номыг уншиж байна. (My brother is reading my book)
  • Таны номыг уншиж болох уу? (Can I read your book)

B. noun with demonstrative pronoun (that, this, those…etc).

  • Би энэ номыг авлаа. ( I took this book)
  • Энэ дууг тэр сайн дуулдаг. (She/he sings this song well).

C. Personal Pronouns

  • Чи намайг дуудсан уу? (Did you call me)?
  • Би түүнийг явуулна. (I will send her)
  • Би чамайг харсан. ( I saw you)

D. Proper Names and Relatives

  • Би Билгүүнийг олон удаа харсан. (I saw Bilguun many times)
  • Би ахыг надад туслахыг гуйсан. (I begged my brother to help me).

E. Making nouns out of demonstrative pronouns and numerals along with verbs with an NDS.

Making nouns of demonstrative pronouns and numerals

  • Гурвыг нэм. (Add 3)
  • Үүнийг ав. (Buy this)

Verbs with NDS (Noun determining suffix):

  • Би түүнийг ирснийг мэдээгүй. (I didn’t know she has come).
  • Би чамайг залгасныг мэдээгүй. (I didn’t know you called).
  • Зөвшөөрөлгүй явдгийг зогсоох хэрэгтэй. Хүмүүс маскгүй явдгийг болиулах хэрэгтэй. (They should stop that. They are going without permission).

F. Subject of a clause

  • Түүнийг гэртээ харихад бусад нь ажлаа үргэлжлүүлжээ. (When he went home, the others continued working).
  • Цэцгийг гэртээ харьж явахад гэнэт Баатар залгажээ. (When Tsetseg was going home, Baatar called him).

Accusative case verb tip:

Verbs that are often used with the accusative case are transitive verbs.

Some examples of transitive verbs are:

  • Гомдоох (to offend)
  • Дуудах (to call)
  • Хайрлах (to love)
  • Магтах (to praise)
  • Харах (to see)
  • Хүндлэх (to respect)
  • Хүлээх (to wait)
  • Загнах (to scold)
  • Мэдэх (to know)
  • Урих (to invite)
  • Уучлах (to forgive)
  • Сонсох (to listen, hear)
  • Ойлгох (to understand)
  • Мартах (to forget)

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