Ablative Case

Ablative Case  Used to indicate movement from something and/or a cause. Meaning: from, than Questions: From what; from whom? Юунаас? Хэнээс? Suffixes: -аас (ээс, оос, өөс) Pronouns:  1st person Надаас (from me) Биднээс (from us) 2nd person Чамаас/Танаас (from you) Та нараас (from you) 3rd person Түүнээс (from him/her) Тэднээс (from them) Uses of Ablative …

Comitative Case

Comitative Case (Хамтрах) Used to express a person and/or a thing that accompanies the subject of a sentence.  Meaning:  “To have, with, together with” Questions: With whom; With what? Хэнтэй? Юутай? Suffixes (following vowel harmony): -тай, -той, -тэй Pronouns:  First person  Надтай (with me) Бидэнтэй (with us) Second person  Чамтай/ Таньтай (with you) Та нартай …

Reflexive pronoun

Reflexive Ending: –aа4 (Object + aa, ээ, оо, өө) Added to the object of the sentence to reflect or point back to the subject. Used to show that the object of a sentence is related to the subject.  The reflexive ending emphasizes possession (my/mine). Example: “my mother” or “my dog” Reflexive Ending -aа4 shows that …

Dative/Locative Case

Dative/Locative Case Used to indicate direction and destination.  Meaning: at, in, to Questions: To whom; To what? Юунд? Хэнд? Suffixes: -д/т Suffix usage rules:  Use -д for words ending in a vowel (нохойд, далайд, аавд) and н, м, л (малд, байшинд) and always insert vowels with words ending in д, э, т, х, ш, ц, …