Тэнгэр шиг бай

The poem, Tenger Shig bai, was written by Ochirbatyn Dashbalbar for his son (at age 12) before he went to go study Buddhism with the Dalai Lama in India. Ochirbatym Dashbalbar is most famous for his poems Tenger Shig Bai and Амьддаа бие биенээ хайрла or Love Each Other While Living. Please enjoy! Хамаг бүгдээр чамайгХарааж нулимж …

Амьддаа бие биенээ хайрла

The love poem Амьддаа бие биенээ хайрла or Love Each Other While Living was written by famous Mongolian writer and politician, Ochirbatyn Dashbalbar. Click here for the English translation. In 1957, Ochirbatyan Dashbalbar was born Sukhbaatar province, eastern Mongolia. His political career started sooner after the fall of the Soviet Union. It is said that …